Recognizing The Renaissance - Xavier Carter


Who are your biggest influences and how have those influences shaped you personally as an artist?

My biggest influence is Scott “Kid Cudi” Mescudi and how he used his art to stay connected to the people and grounded altogether. The way he channeled his battles with depression into a manner of helping people understand that they are not alone and that there are good things in the world inspired me to stay connected to my creativity.

How do you see your art journey 10 years in the future?

Hopefully it will still be inspiring people and helping them understand themselves.

What started you on your creative journey towards creating art?

When I was in 2nd grade, I entered a writing competition that was sponsored by Reading Rainbow. It was about a kid and his magic bike. At that moment I was hooked on writing, drawing, and eventually music, where I dabbled in DJing. The seed of creating was planted and I cultivated it as much as I could.

How do you view your roles as a creative in the emerging AI industry and what goals have you set for yourself amidst the beginning of this new era?

My role is an interesting one. In my day job as an IT manager at a college, I have introduced many media students to AI and how it can enhance their skills whether it be video, fashion, or music. I feel that my role is not just to spread my art to the people but my knowledge as well, to give our people power and knowledge to advance us.

How do you view your roles as a creative in the emerging AI industry and what goals have you set for yourself amidst the beginning of this new era?

My role is an interesting one. In my day job as an IT manager at a college, I have introduced many media students to AI and how it can enhance their skills whether it be video, fashion, or music. I feel that my role is not just to spread my art to the people but my knowledge as well, to give our people power and knowledge to advance us.

What are some of your favorite genres of art?

Video and imagery are my favorite genres. The ability to convey emotions through visuals to complete strangers and they get it, is a talent and skill blessed by a higher power.

How has your experience been being a black artist in a new emerging ai space and what difficult experiences have you encountered?

I have two difficulties that I continue to experience through this journey and that I am coming to terms with. 1) Reaching the masses. Getting my art out there for the people I am trying to reach is trying but I have faith that it will happen. 2) is the criticism. Having people give their opinions on what I call a piece or how they would do it, or even telling me this isn’t art, anyone can type words and get a picture. But what they don’t see is the hundreds of images I go through to find the exact one that conveys my vision. Or the hours that I spend tweaking the prompt for it to come out to a point that I can now move it to Photoshop or Procreate to add more of the minor details that it requires to be ready for the world.

What's your experience using this technology, do you feel as an artist it helps create the images you truly wish to see represented?

My experience has been a journey of growth. It is essentially learning a new skill. But it is fun and exciting growing along with it. I absolutely feel as an artist it does help create the images I wish to see. Especially for the people who are over-thinkers or over-explain their ideas to the point that it is overwhelming. AI takes all those words and allows you to purge your mind of the range of emotions you may be feeling with just a simple parameter such as --c.

If there is one thing you wish to be remembered for by the end of your artistic journey, what would that be?

That all I was trying to do was put some happiness, love, and compassion into the world. That I inspired people, normal people, to do something bigger than them.


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